On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 15:13:12 +0100, Olav Morken wrote:
we are going to update the software on the Feide IdP machines next Thursday, at 15:00. The update does not affect the SAML 2.0 messages sent by the IdP.
The three main goals of the update are:
- Logging statistics events about logins occuring in iframes.
- Firewall testing API endpoint.
- Disabling the old statistics aggregation framework.
We also update the simpleSAMLphp installation on the IdPs.
The update is currently running on our test IdP. If you have any question or concerns wrt. this update, please contact us at support@feide.no.
This update has been running on the production system for 20 minutes now, and we have not seen any problems with it. Please contact us at support@feide.no if you see any signs of problems, or if you have any questions.
Best regards, Olav Morken UNINETT / Feide