our current https certificate for idp.feide.no expires Saturday 23 February, so we will be replacing it tomorrow at 11:00. This only affects the certificate used for the https connection. The certificate used for signing our SAML 2.0 messages is unchanged.
The new SSL certificate is issued by the same certificate authority as our current certificate authority, so we do not expect any issues wrt. browser compatibility.
If you have any question about this certificate change, please contact us at support@feide.no.
Best regards, Olav Morken UNINETT / Feide
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 08:55:08 +0100, Olav Morken wrote:
the certificates are now replaced.
Unfortunately, there was a pending system update on the servers, which was activated when the servers were restarted to effect the certificate change. This system update casused us to lose connection to two of the host organizations connected to Feide (Hordaland County Council and Gjøvik University College) for approximately one hour.
The system update was rolled back, and everything should therefore work as normal.
Best regards, Olav Morken UNINETT / Feide