Hi Morten,

Looking again closely how this new feature behaves I found out that we can still control who is able to use this feature on a port with vlan_auth. So users who are not allowed to set VLAN tagging, port description etc. also cannot set the PoE status. This is good enough for us, at the moment. So no feature request needed. But thanks for pointing out the option.


However, the new possibility to set PoE on the ports via Portadmin gives us
some headaches. We only (if ever) want to allow this feature on certain ports
for certain users.

Is there a way to limit or disable this feature?

This was never part of the feature request we worked on, so I'd say no,

It should be easy enough to add a configuration option for this in
`portadmin.conf` (it already has several toggles to control the
available feature set), if you would only post a feature request at
https://github.com/Uninett/nav/issues/new/choose .

Philipp Petermann
Universität Basel | ITS | NINS
Spitalstrasse 41 | 4056 Basel | Schweiz
Tel. +41 61 207 15 74