
I will try to update today, if I detect any problem I will report.

Regards, Helder Mendes

2008/3/28, Morten Werner Forsbring <werner@debian.org>:
Morten Brekkevold <morten.brekkevold@uninett.no> writes:

> Binary packages for Debian will be available soon.  The Debian package
> is maintained by Morten Werner Forsbring, on commission from UNINETT.

Then I have a Debian package of NAV 3.3.3 ready. I have tested a few
upgrades, and it now seems to work ok. Instructions on the wiki [1]
and the Alioth-page [2] is updated. Please report problems with the
package to this list or directly to me.

- Werner

[1] http://metanav.uninett.no/navdownload
[2] http://pkg-nav.alioth.debian.org/