Yes, processes were running. pping.log worked, and detecteted that test interface was down and than up.

2017-02-22 14:26 GMT+03:00 Morten Brekkevold <>:
On Wed, 22 Feb 2017 13:30:20 +0300 Игорь Коив <> wrote:

> I've just expected to alert me about interfaces,

By default, NAV will only alert you about uplinks/downlinks going down,
and only if they represent loss of redundancy (in cases of no
redundancy, you should get a boxDown alert for the no longer reachable

> switches, that are down or not reachable. And about users who has
> logged to the equipment. That is for the beginning.
> We switched off the equipment, plugged off cables and logged to the
> switches. Physical disabling the interfaces and switches lasted for
> 10-20 min.

And the NAV backend processes are actually running (`nav status`)? What
does `pping.log` say?

Morten Brekkevold