At NTNU, we use Arnold to automatic disable switchports based on netflow-statistics. Our netflow-server provides a list
of IP-addresses (a file). This file is transferred to the nav-server (ssh, I think), and Arnold disables the switchports where the IP-addresses were last seen. Morten is the creator of it, and knows all the details
As long as the NAV API has only one token “to rule them all”, I’m a bit skeptical to allow the API to disable ports.
Gro-Anita Vindheim
From: []
On Behalf Of Tal Bar-Or
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 5:49 PM
To: Morten Brekkevold <>
Subject: Re: Using API for Arnold
Thanks Morten for the answer , My interest would be automate IPS using the API for isolating hosts upon alerting events
On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 1:29 PM, Morten Brekkevold <> wrote:
On Wed, 16 Dec 2015 11:57:02 +0000 Tal Bar-Or <> wrote:
> Is there possibility to access Arnold detention mechanism using Nav API?
> If yes , it will be nice to see some example
Hi there,
we do not currently have any API endpoints for interfacing with Arnold.
What kind of endpoints would you be interested in?
Morten Brekkevold
Tal Bar-or