Here's a new answer  from Dell

About the email from Uninett, the best option for you should be this :

- However, there is also an oid "agentPortAccessVlanID" with the following description:
  "Describes and Configures the VLAN ID of access switch port. A value of 0 indicates that the switch port is not configured as access port.".
  It might be possible to use this one to switch if the interface is in acces mode (perhaps also in general mode?).

The customer request is to modify the vlan ID of an interface already on access mode, for me this OID should be used to do that, if you have the possibility to implement it and test it.

By the way, if you’re also interested to modify a vlan ID of an interface configured as mode general, you will need also to modify the “allow” parameter :

              switchport mode general
              switchport general allowed vlan add 99 untagged
              switchport general pvid 99
the above configuration can be compare to :
              switchport mode access
              switchport access vlan 99
the General mode can be configured to transmit tagged or untagged traffic per vlan.  Untagged received traffic is accepted and switched in the defined PVID.  Tagged received traffic is dropped if it is not in one of the port’s tagged vlans.
Example :
switchport mode general
switchport general pvid 60
switchport general allowed vlan add 60 untagged
switchport general allowed vlan add 10,70 tagged
Ludovic Vinsonnaud - Ingénieur Réseau
basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand, 33400 Talence)

Institut Optique Graduate School
2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05
Le 30/11/2017 à 09:08, John Magne Bredal a écrit :

Thanks to Mr. Vinsonnaud and Mr. Westin we have a patch ready. I am just
waiting for a review, and then those who want can apply the patch
locally to see how it performs.

The patch only affect Dell-devices - the only question is if we need a
more detailed check of type of Dell-device to do this or that.

I will let you know when it is ready.

I'm coming back to you with my problem.
I have tried some solutions provided by Dell without success
(essentially updates).
Here's the last answer from them (translated by me)
Thank you for this. We have looked at the mibs and have the following to

- We don't use this mib for Cisco - they have their own custom MIBs that
we use for switching vlan.

- That we need to be in General mode is the problem, and the default is
to be in Access-mode

- It looks like we can use the agentPortConfigTable to check for (and
set) the mode of the interface. Then we need to agree on a workflow for
  - if general mode everything is ok and we set pvid
  - if access mode is set - switch to general and then set pvid? Or give
information about wrong mode?

- However, there is also an oid "agentPortAccessVlanID" with the
following description:

"Describes and Configures the VLAN ID of access switch port. A value of
0 indicates that the switch port is not configured as access port.".

It might be possible to use this one to switch if the interface is in
acces mode (perhaps also in general mode?).

We need to test this. We don't have access to Dell equipment at the
moment, but I will try to aquire it.

   Have you tested OID on Cisco hardware,
   does it change vlan ID in access mode ?

   interface Gi1/0/40
   switchport access vlan XXX

   The OID is the same for Dell and Csico. I
   would like to know if on Cisco it modifies vlan ID in access mode,
   as on Dell Equipement it modifies PVID port in general mode, that is
   2 different things.
   If you download the last version FW, in the directory oh
   the extracted file you will find a file named Release-
   containing informations that could be usefull to Uninett team.

   *Julien Guillou*
   *Dell **EMC***| Network Analyst, Ent Tech Support
   *Email* <>

IOGS Logo <>
    *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau
basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand, 33400 Talence)

*Institut Optique Graduate School*
2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05

Le 15/06/2017 à 11:21, Vinsonnaud Ludovic a écrit :
I've just received an answer from Dell support :

    J’ai discuté avec un ingénieur du Niveau 3 qui m’a dit que c’est
    un bug connu qui est en cour de correction.
    Le correctif pourrais être inclus dans la prochaine version du
    firmware en juillet mais je n’en suis pas certain.

    De mon cote  je pense que l’OID dot1qPvid requière que le port
    soit en mode général car le pvid est base sur le mode général, mais à
    ce que je vois le mode du port ne semble pas être modifie et les
    anciennes commandes persistent.

    Vers la fin juillet regardez si une nouvelle version est
    disponible et si le correctif est inclus dans celui-ci.

Here's the translation.
I talked with a level 3 engineer who told me it was a known bug which
is going to be corrected.

On my side, I think the dot1qPvid need the interface to be in "general
mode" as the pvid is based en general mode, but as I see, port mode is
not changed and old commands remains.

At the end of July, look if a new version is available and if the
correction is included.

and he closed my ticket ...

IOGS Logo <>
    *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau
basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand, 33400

*Institut Optique Graduate School*
2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05

Le 15/06/2017 à 10:05, Vinsonnaud Ludovic a écrit :
I opened a ticket at Dell Support
They understood the problem and they rose it to 2nd level (I don't
know if it's the exact expression in english)

To sum up :
- interface in general mode :
    - set --> "switchport general pvid /number/"
    - get --> number of vlan in "switchport general pvid /number/"
- interface in access mode :
    - set --> "switchport general pvid /number2/" --> added to
existing "switchport access vlan /number1/"
    - get --> number of vlan in "switchport access vlan /number/1"

special case : conf with existing "switchport general pvid /number2/"
and "switchport access vlan /number1/"
- interface in access mode :
    - set --> number1 is used --> nothing appens, both commands stay

I hope having an answer soon.
The technician told me they can't test every MIB so they put the
switch for sale and are waiting for informations from customers.
After that, new firmware versions are available.

I don't know if Dell want to force customers using general mode
instead of access/trunk mode, but it seems usefull when using 802.1X

IOGS Logo <>
    *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau
basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand, 33400

*Institut Optique Graduate School*
2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05

Le 15/06/2017 à 09:11, John Magne Bredal a écrit :
Marcus Westin kindly offered to set up a test environment. I think we
will accept that and try to find a solution for Dell devices.

The main theory is that setting the Pvid may trigger general mode - if
we don't do that but set egress and untagged ports for the vlan,
then we
may have the desired result.

On 09. juni 2017 15:08, Vinsonnaud Ludovic wrote:

I've got answers from the Dell networking sales engineer

Here's the translation :
I did some tests.
the SET and GET actions from this OID only take effect when the
port is
in General mode (switchport mode general).
Once this is done, a SET action results with adding the command
"switchport general pvid" followed by the value in the "show run",
a new GET action after that give the good value for that line.

I invite you to open a ticket by calling the technical support, using
the service tag of your switch, to check with them if this MIB is
supported on ports in access mode or not. In access mode, a SET action
creates the command line "switchport general pvid" while a GET action
returns the value corresponding to the "switchport access vlan"
line. So
there is a dysfunction at that level.

Do not hesitate to inform me of the follow-up that will be given.

     Bonjour M. Vinsonnaud,

     J’ai procédé à quelques tests de mon côté.
     Il s’avère que les actions SET et GET sur cet OID ne prennent
     qu’à partir du moment où le port est en mode General (switchport
     mode general).
     Une fois ceci fait, une action SET se traduit, comme vous l’avez
     remarqué, par l’apparition de la commande « switchport general
     pvid » suivi de la valeur dans le show run, tandis qu’une
     action GET derrière renvoie bien la bonne valeur correspondant à
     cette ligne.

     Je vous invite à ouvrir un ticket au support technique, à
l’aide du
     service tag de votre switch, afin de vérifier avec eux si
cette MIB
     est supporté sur les ports en mode access ou pas. En effet, en
     access, une action SET créé la ligne de commande « switchport
     general pvid » tandis qu’une action GET renvoie la valeur
     correspondant à la ligne « switchport access vlan ». Il y a
donc un
     dysfonctionnement à ce niveau-là.

     N’hésitez pas à m’informer des suites qui y seront données.

     Pour contacter le support : 0825 004 686

and then after some questions :
My suggestion to contact technical support is precisely related to the
fact that the behavior does not seem normal to me.
This is not related to your switch or your firmware version, I
tested on
a N3000, with two versions of different firmware including the latest.
Since the firmware has the same base for the N-Series, the behavior is
the same on all N models (N2000, N3000, N4000).

However, in General mode, the correct operation is observed, and
therefore you can use the switches in this mode.
General mode is required for some deployment contexts (especially for
MAC address authentication).
I add that the General mode allows you to more precisely control the
VLANs assigned to a port, since in trunk mode, a port is automatically
assigned to all existing VLANs on the switch as soon as you put it
this mode and is also automatically associated with any newly created
VLANs. You can remove them later, but in General mode, you control
explicitly the port / VLAN association.

     Ma suggestion de contacter le support technique est justement
     au fait que le comportement ne me parait pas normal.
     Ce n’est pas lié à votre switch ni à votre version de
firmware, j’ai
     testé sur un N3000 de mon côté, avec deux versions de firmware
     différente dont la dernière. Le firmware ayant la même base sur
     l’ensemble de la gamme N, le comportement est donc le même sur
     les modèles N (N2000, N3000, N4000).

     Pour autant, en mode General, le fonctionnement correct est
     et donc vous pouvez utiliser les switchs dans ce mode-là.
     Le mode General est obligatoire pour un certain nombre de
     de déploiement (en particulier pour l’authentification par
adresse MAC).
     J’ajoute que le mode General vous permet de contrôler plus
     les VLAN affectés à un port, puisqu’en mode trunk, un port est
     automatiquement affecté à l’ensemble des VLAN existants sur le
     switch dès que vous le basculez dans ce mode, et est également
     automatiquement associé à tout nouveau VLAN créé par la suite. On
     peut certes les en retirer par la suite, mais en mode General,
     vous qui contrôlez explicitement l’association port/VLAN.

So I will try calling the support to have more answers but the best
solution seems to switch to general mode

IOGS Logo<>
    *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau
basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand, 33400

*Institut Optique Graduate School*
2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05

Le 09/06/2017 à 12:43, John Magne Bredal a écrit :
Thank you all for the information.

I found an interesting post regarding Dell and setting vlan, and
is a solution in there. However it is not clear enough that I can
code without something to test on. The problem is the "general" mode
that seem to exist on Dell and how to avoid using that.

Also the linked manual below has detailed instructions for setting
Those instructions does not work however on HP which is the
equipment we
have available at the moment. More technically it also tells us that
there are quite some differences in the MIBs based on which series
switch is - I quote:

"On the E-Series and C-Series each position in the 8-character
string is
for one port, starting with Port 0at the left end of the string, and
ending with Port 7 at the right end. A 0 indicates that the port
is not
amember of the VLAN; a 1 indicates VLAN membership.•On the S-Series,
each position in the 8-character string is for one port, starting
Port 1 at the leftend of the string, and ending with Port 8 at the
end. A 0 indicates that the port is not a member ofthe VLAN; a 1
indicates VLAN membership."

What is boils down to is equipment to test implementations on. I will
make a separate post about this.

On 08. juni 2017 10:28, Vinsonnaud Ludovic wrote:

Here's the answer from Dell about N2000 Series (mail below and
the translation)

"I confirm that our switches are compatible with this MIB. It is
part of
the available MIBs within the switch firmware

This MIB is contained in the file

I ask in internal to try to get details about its implementation."

         -------- Message transféré --------

         Sujet :     RE: MIB N2048
         Date :     Thu, 8 Jun 2017 07:44:30 +0000
         De :
         Pour :,
         Copie à :,

         *Dell - Internal Use - Confidential *
         Bonjour M. Vinsonnaud,

          Je vous confirme que nos switches sont bien compatibles
avec la
         MIB en question. Elle fait partie des MIBs disponibles au
         téléchargement avec le firmware des switchs

         La MIB en question étant contenu dans le fichier
         Je me renseigne en interne pour tenter d’obtenir des
         d’implémentation de celle-ci.


         *Nicolas ROUGHOL***
         Networking Sales Engineer
         *Dell **EMC* | Enterprise Solutions, Networking
         *mobile:* +33 6 79 34 90 28 <tel:+33679349028> 

         Learn about Dell Networking
         /Etes vous satisfait de notre collaboration?/
         Pour tout commentaire n'hésitez pas à contacter mon

IOGS Logo<>
    *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau
basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand, 33400

*Institut Optique Graduate School*
2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05

Le 07/06/2017 à 15:48, Vinsonnaud Ludovic a écrit :

I've sent an email to my Dell Networking Sales Specialist and he
transferred my questions to his Networking Sales Engineer
I think I will have an answer today or tomorrow.

IOGS Logo<>
    *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau
basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand,
33400 Talence)

*Institut Optique Graduate School*
2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05

Le 07/06/2017 à 10:19, Marcus Westin a écrit :
We also use Dell N2000-series switches to some extent, and
cannot configure them through NAV at the time either (we’re
primarily using Cisco, so it’s not been a huge issue so far).
A configuration done manually (pretty much identical to Cisco):

description "M-CB0271A12"
spanning-tree portfast
switchport access vlan 30
green-mode energy-detect
green-mode eee

and after changing the vlan from 30 to 206 through NAV:

description "M-CB0271A12"
spanning-tree portfast
switchport general pvid 206
switchport access vlan 30
green-mode energy-detect
green-mode eee

Reverting to vlan 30 again does not remove the added
configuration for 206.

I’ve included mibs for the latest release for the N2000-series.
Hope that there’s an easy solution (

Marcus W.
Linnaeus University

On 06/06/17 11:03, "John Magne
Bredal"< on behalf of>  wrote:

     On 02. juni 2017 17:58, Vinsonnaud Ludovic wrote:
     > Hello,
     > Sorry about my english, I'm french so everything may not
be understood :-)
     > I'm new to NAV and this software seems very interesting
for my needs.
          Thats good to hear =)
     > For Dell N2048, I'm a bit confused because if I have
this command
     > "switchport access vlan 524" already set in the switch
and I ask to
     > change the vlan from 524 to 525 with NAV, it adds this
     > "switchport general pvid 525" but doesn't delete the old
     > So why change a "switchport access" by a "switchport
general" ? Is it
     > better to have a "switchport mode general" in default
config ?
     > Switchport mode access is the default mode, the 2
combined commands will
     > not work as intended I think ?
          We are unfamiliar with Dell switches - PortAdmin has
been used
     extensively with Cisco and HP but I don't know about Dell.
          However, we use standard MIBs for all equipment
except Cisco.
          So, what PortAdmin does when changing vlan is to
alter the
     dot1qPvid-value which is located in the Q-BRIDGE-MIB.

          It seems Dell has another way of doing it that does
not conform exactly
     to the Q-BRIDGE-MIB. If you have the MIB for the switch,
then we could
     take a look at it and see if there is anything we can do.
               > I've not yet tested S4048 and N4064.
     > --
     > Regards,
     > IOGS Logo<>
     >     *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau
     > basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François
Mitterrand, 33400 Talence)
     > *Institut Optique Graduate School*
     > 2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex
     > Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05
     John Magne Bredal
          Abels gt. 5- Teknobyen NO-7465 Trondheim