Dear developers!
Could you help me again?
What parameter should I use if I want to set threshold on load of the router port?

Is this correct:

nav.devices.172_16_0_1.ports.Gi0_2.ifInOctets      sets traffic that goes in the router (bits/s)
What threshold should be set? 
for example: alert threshold   >20000  and  clear treshhold <19000 ?

2017-03-17 14:58 GMT+03:00 Игорь Коив <>:
Thanks a lot!
I hope all will be OK. 

17 марта 2017 г. 13:36 пользователь "Ingeborg Hellemo" <> написал: said:
> But there is no path  <path to freeradius>/etc/raddb/postgresql.conf

You are supposed to create this file and make sure it is included from
radiusd.conf. Or you can just edit the default sql.conf. Depending if which
version of Freeradius you are using the file you need to modify might be
located somwhere else.

From README.rst in freeradius-2.2.9:

The SQL configuration has been moved from ``sql.conf`` to

(You probably need to make a softlink or something from mods-enabled, but check the manual. - We use current software but our config "just works" and has been copied from older to newer software versions for ages...)

You want to use

        driver = "rlm_sql_postgresql"

As for where the changes in SQL-queries goes I am really not sure.  The file seems to be mods-config/sql/main/postgresql/queries.conf but the format has changed completely from when we made our config.

Ingeborg Østrem Hellemo  --
Dep. of Information Technology  ---  Univ. of Tromsø