Also, AFAIK, Cricket doesn't use bulk requests at all, so your device
just seems generally slow to respond to any SNMP request.
On Wed, 27 Mar 2013 09:46:54 -0300 Bruno Galindro da Costa <> wrote:Thanks for sharing your solution!
> Solved by reading docs ->
> The colors are based on rrd files generated by cricket. But, my device is
> slow to anwser snmp get-bulk requests. So, to solve the problem, I've to
> increase the timeout value of cricket's Default configuration to 15.0:
> /usr/local/nav/etc/cricket-config/Defaults
> snmp-timeout = 15.0
Also, AFAIK, Cricket doesn't use bulk requests at all, so your device
just seems generally slow to respond to any SNMP request.
Morten Brekkevold