Vidar Faltinsen wrote:
Vidar Faltinsen wrote:
Dear summer developers,
Could you please enlighten me,
- Is all of this done;
oops, I meant
I will test, but your word is of value :) your blueprint status is "good progress"...
We need this feature complete for 3.5 so that we can get rid of the tomcat dependency. It seams to me, Kristian, that not everything is in place. Unfortunately the swport data on navdev are out of date, I assume gdd and networkdiscovery are not running as they should. This makes comparing the netw explorer with the real world a bit hard. Maybe Morten can help here.
* If you expand uninett-gw vlan 20 you list a number swports that has vlan20 set. * I realize ideal human sort may be difficult, but port 1/27 should not list before 1/3... * where are the port names for the switch ports? use swport.portname * You find a connection in some cases to another switch, i.e. 1/5 connects * I assume this is a trunk, but you use a single arrow (->)... * I assume vlan 20 can be found on the connected switch, but no further drilldown is supported... * you do not provide a hyperlink to ipdevinfo or to machine tracker for mac adresses or in fact I cannot see a single link * back on the router port level you do include prefixes of nettype status. I.e. on Vlan95. You should not.
* I like your active hosts. It seems to me you display the mac if IP cannot be derived, IP if dns name cannot be derived. Correct? * perhaps show both mac and IP if you have that, and mac/IP/dns if that is what you have
* your search option is not complete is it? i.e. search for port description...
Is this a lot of work on your behalf? How fast can this be done?
Also we have some issues with the netw map...
- Vidar