On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 02:14:38 +0200 Stein Magnus Jodal stein.magnus.jodal@uninett.no wrote:
I've just spent an hour on renaming editdb to seeddb, as described in the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nav/+spec/rename-editdb blueprint. The code is now running at navdev and is available at navdev:~jodal/nav/jodal/rename-editdb.
- Morten and Vidar: could you please poke around at navdev a bit to
test that everything seems okay?
I've poked. Only issue was related to a overwritten version of the urlbuilder module.
- Morten: could you please merge the branch or give me a green signal
for merging before other branches diverges too much? I've changed code in large parts of NAV (including the infamous nav.django.urls) to accomplish the renaming, and would very much like to win the merge war by merging first ;-)
I've tested and merged your branch to default, changing the status of your blueprint at the same time. More merges are coming the next few days, I guess.