Nav version 3.0.0
"Toolbox -> Report -> Core Switches/Trunked core switch ports" gives me this error:
Configuration error! The report generator is not able to do such things.
ERROR: operator does not exist: boolean = integer
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s).
You may need to add explicit type casts.
SELECT b1.sysname,s1.interface,m1.module,s1.port,,s1.speed,s1.duplex,,s1.trunk,vlan.vlan,s1.portname,b2.sysname
AS to_netboxid,m2.module AS remote_module,s1.swportid,b1.netboxid AS netboxid,b1.catid FROM swport AS s1
JOIN module AS m1 USING (moduleid) JOIN netbox AS b1 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN netbox AS b2 ON (to_netboxid=b2.netboxid)
LEFT JOIN swportvlan ON (s1.swportid=swportvlan.swportid AND (trunk=false OR trunk IS NULL)) LEFT JOIN vlan using(vlanid)
LEFT JOIN swport AS s2 ON (s1.to_swportid=s2.swportid)
LEFT JOIN module AS m2 ON (s2.moduleid=m2.moduleid) WHERE s1.trunk = 1 AND b1.catid = 'SW'
ORDER BY b1.sysname,module,port LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
I sent earlier an email about another error I got on another report tool, when
sorting on IP-address on servers. I have not received any hints to what could
be the problem there.
httpd 2.0.52
jakarta-tomcat 5.0.28
java j2sdk1.4.2_08
perl 5.8.5
php 4.3.9
postgresql 7.4.8
python 2.3.4, mod_python 3.1.3
Roger Aas
Stord/Haugesund College