Dnia wtorek, 15 lutego 2005 10:19, Fredrik Holmberg napisa?:
> I forgot to include NAV Beta 9:
> nav3:~ # diff /usr/local/nav/etc/report/report.conf
> /usr/local/src/nav-3.0_beta9/subsystem/report/src/report.conf
> 370c370
> < $sql="SELECT b1.sysname,s1.interface, m1.module, s1.port, s1.link,
> s1.speed, s1.duplex, s1.media, s1.trunk, vlan.vlan,s1.portname, b2.sysname
> as to_netboxid,m2.module AS remote_module, s1.swportid, b1.netboxid as
> netboxid, b1.catid FROM swport AS s1 JOIN module AS m1 USING (moduleid)
> JOIN netbox AS b1 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN netbox AS b2 ON
> (to_netboxid=b2.netboxid) LEFT JOIN swportvlan ON
> (s1.swportid=swportvlan.swportid AND trunk='f') left join vlan using(vlan)
> LEFT JOIN swport AS s2 ON (s1.to_swportid=s2.swportid) LEFT JOIN module AS
> m2 ON (s2.moduleid=m2.moduleid)";
> ---
> > $sql="SELECT b1.sysname,s1.interface, m1.module, s1.port, s1.link,
> s1.speed, s1.duplex, s1.media, s1.trunk, vlan.vlan,s1.portname, b2.sysname
> as to_netboxid,m2.module AS remote_module, s1.swportid, b1.netboxid as
> netboxid, b1.catid FROM swport AS s1 JOIN module AS m1 USING (moduleid)
> JOIN netbox AS b1 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN netbox AS b2 ON
> (to_netboxid=b2.netboxid) LEFT JOIN swportvlan ON
> (s1.swportid=swportvlan.swportid AND trunk='f') left join vlan
> using(vlanid) LEFT JOIN swport AS s2 ON (s1.to_swportid=s2.swportid) LEFT
> JOIN module AS m2 ON (s2.moduleid=m2.moduleid)";
> :)
Ok, it worked :)
> best regards
Wojciech (Woj) Kozicki