Hello all,
This is most likely the weirdest error I've seen in NAV so far, and I can't really seem to trace where the "hidden" value is hiding. When I go to Reports, All IP Devices -> Advanced Search and put "Breivika" in the Location field and click search, I get the following SQL error:
Configuration error! The report generator is not able to do such things. ERROR: column "r4g3n53nd" does not exist SELECT locationid,roomid,sysname,ip,catid,sub,typeid,typename,orgid,netbox.up,modules,swport,gwport,prefixcount,CASE WHEN Mem THEN 'Mem' ELSE NULL END AS Mem,snmp,sw_ver AS Software,serial,val AS Function,netbox.netboxid,prefixid FROM type RIGHT OUTER JOIN netbox USING (typeid) LEFT JOIN room USING (roomid) LEFT JOIN (SELECT netboxid,count(netboxid) AS gwport FROM gwport JOIN module USING (moduleid) GROUP BY netboxid) tempaggr1 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN (SELECT netboxid,count(netboxid) AS swport FROM swport JOIN module USING (moduleid) GROUP BY netboxid) tempaggr2 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN (SELECT netboxid,count(netboxid) AS modules FROM module GROUP BY netboxid) tempaggr3 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN (SELECT netboxid,count(netboxid) AS sub FROM netboxcategory GROUP BY netboxid) tempaggr4 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN (SELECT netboxid,count(netboxid) AS snmp FROM netboxsnmpoid GROUP BY netboxid) tempaggr5 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN (SELECT netboxid, count(netboxid) > 0 AS Mem FROM mem GROUP by netboxid) tempaggr6 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN (SELECT netboxid, count(gwportid) AS prefixcount FROM gwportprefix JOIN gwport USING (gwportid) JOIN module USING (moduleid) GROUP BY netboxid) tempaggr7 USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN device ON (netbox.deviceid=device.deviceid) LEFT JOIN netboxinfo ON (netbox.netboxid=netboxinfo.netboxid AND var='function') WHERE r4g3n53nd = 'Search' AND locationid = 'Breivika' ORDER BY locationid,roomed
I have no idea whatsoever where it is getting "r4g3n53nd". It looks like a password of some kind, but I can't find it in report.conf or front.html.
Does anyone have a clue why I get this error? I am not able to reproduce the same error while using Mozilla Firefox.
Any help appreciated :-)
Vidar Stokkenes
Networking Consulant
Networking and telecom Department
HN IKT - Tromsø
Tlf: 76 16 61 87 / 77 66 99 55
Cell: 95 87 99 42
e-mail: vidar.stokkenes(a)hn-ikt.no
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