On Mon, 03 Nov 2008 13:52:26 +0100 Vidar Stokke vidar.stokke@ntnu.no wrote:
One quick question regarding monitoring of lightweight access-points. When will NAV be able to handle AP up-/down-traps sent from wireless controllers? Then you will not need to register APs in NAV since the wireless controllers handle this part. The APs are already registered there so that makes sence :-) But NAV will do the part with sending SMS/email to the right people and maintain a list of APs down.
Hi Vidar,
NAV can already receive AP association/disassocation traps from Cisco Wireless Controllers and translate these into alerts. Your colleague John-Magne implemented this for NAV 3.4. This is the same as AP up/down, right?
NAV does not, however, maintain a list of slave APs that are down, since the slave APs themselves aren't registered in NAV in any way. Maybe this is the function you're actually asking for?