I used Cygwin with snmp tools and here the result
snmpset -v 2c -c /myCommunity //myIP /Dell-LAN-SYSMNG-MIB::dellLanFileActionCommand.1 i 2 Dell-LAN-SYSMNG-MIB::dellLanFileActionSourceFile.1 s 'running-config' Dell-LAN-SYSMNG-MIB::dellLanFileActionDestFile.1 s 'startup-config' Error in packet. Reason: noCreation (That table does not support row creation or that object can not ever be created) Failed object: Dell-LAN-SYSMNG-MIB::dellLanFileActionCommand.1
Cordialement, IOGS Logo https://www.institutoptique.fr *Ludovic Vinsonnaud * - Ingénieur Réseau basé à Bordeaux, bureau F108 (IOA, Rue François Mitterrand, 33400 Talence)
*Institut Optique Graduate School* 2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel - 91127 PALAISEAU Cedex Tel. +33 5 57 01 71 52 - Mob. +33 6 08 08 41 05
Le 06/02/2019 à 10:17, Morten Brekkevold a écrit :
On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 15:21:35 +0100 Vinsonnaud Ludovic ludovic.vinsonnaud@institutoptique.fr wrote:
I think I found the solution http://cric.grenoble.cnrs.fr/Administrateurs/Outils/MIBS/?oid=
So, if I'm reading it correctly, an SNMP SET-based "write mem" operation might look something like this shell script:
ip=X.X.X.X community=XXX
snmpset -c $community $ip \ Dell-LAN-SYSMNG-MIB::dellLanFileActionCommand.1 i 2 \ Dell-LAN-SYSMNG-MIB::dellLanFileActionSourceFile.1 s 'running-config' \ Dell-LAN-SYSMNG-MIB::dellLanFileActionDestFile.1 s 'startup-config'
Are you able to make that work?