On Tue, 11 Sep 2018 22:28:57 +0000 "William Daly - Network Specialist, VUSD Technology" WilliamD@VUSD.SolanoCOE.K12.CA.US wrote:
I have attached a copy of the error I am receiving. I have tried researching the issue, but I am lost as to where to look. Perhaps one of you can point me in the right direction.
GraphiteUnreachableError: is unreachable (HTTP Error 400: Bad Request)
This means the (graphite) web server thinks the request NAV sent was a bad HTTP request.
You should check the graphite-web server's logs to see what the actual request was. NAV may also have logged what it did (which should have ended up in your Apache error log, in that case).
Newer graphite-web versions have become more picky about what requests they will accept, so it would be interesting to know the actual request NAV produced.