So, it crashes on your location being "All networks"! This must be considered a bug.
I think I'll add a debug option to make it easier to see what is going on as well.
That would be nice. And also an example of expected output of dhcpd-pools will help. There is a -A flag that gives this output (together with -f j)
{ "location":"", "range":" -", "first_ip":"", "last_ip":"", "defined":1007, "used":0, "touched":0, "free":1007, "percent":0, "touch_count":0, "touch_percent":0, "backup_count":503, "backup_percent":49.9503, "status":0 }, { "location":"", "range":" -", "first_ip":"", "last_ip":"", "defined":2031, "used":36, "touched":1198, "free":1995, "percent":1.77253, "touch_count":1234, "touch_percent":60.7582, "backup_count":797, "backup_percent":39.2418, "status":0 },
Does this look better? The program still crashes though. said:
- Tuplify assumes that all "location"s have values that are strings that
contain "vlan"
OK, this is a strange assumption since the DHCP server knows nothing about vlans only subnets and ranges.