On Thu, 25 Jul 2013 07:14:49 -0300 Bruno Galindro da Costa bruno.galindro@gmail.com wrote:
NAV uses a simple tool called mcc.py (make cricket config) that is called by navcron's crontab (sudo -u navcron crontab -l | grep mcc) to make the config files used by cricket. I've experienced similar problems with cricket...
There are two delay factors one needs to be aware of when adding new devices to NAV:
1. `mcc.py` is by default only run as a cron job once a day, at 5am. If you want immediate statistics collection, `mcc.py` must be run manually after adding devices.
2. Once a datasource is configured, Cricket needs to collect at least two values to produce a meaningful graph. With the default 5 minute collection interval, one cannot expect a graph to be rendered until 10 minutes have passed.