On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 08:28:30 -0300 Bruno Galindro da Costa bruno.galindro@gmail.com wrote:
John-Magne has suggested something like this component:
http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/ - I.e. a hierarchical (Location/Room), searchable dropdown.
Good. If we use this component to filter the room id search by location, my problem will certainly be resolved.
Anyone are working with it now?
Not at this very moment, no.
We are working towards a NAV 4.0 release in December, where we hope to include a series of design changes to increase uniformity of the web interface. This feature would fit well in the scope of these changes.
You should file a bug report for this wishlist item, then I will assign it to one of the guys working on the interface redesign.