first of all i'm trying to run NAV 3.2.2 on a Centos 5 and i know it's not
supported, but with really liitle tweaking the system seem to be up and
running, despite the problem i've always had with my HP9304m that i've
already posted about (answer pending...).
I get some errors from:
Cron navcron@nav $BINDIR/getBoksMacs.sh $NUM_THREADS
the body of the message is at the end of this msg, there's something i can do
to fix it or the set of libs that comes with Centos5 is too much different to
let NAV work as it is?
Thanks for reading and my best regards, Marco barbieri.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This statement has been closed.
at no.ntnu.nav.Database.Database.update(Database.java:1004)
at no.ntnu.nav.Database.Database.insert(Database.java:928)
at QueryBoks.runCamQueue(QueryBoks.java:1659)
at QueryBoks.processMacEntry(QueryBoks.java:977)
at QueryBoks.run(QueryBoks.java:266)
SQLException for update statement: INSERT INTO cam
(netboxid,sysname,ifindex,module,port,mac,start_time) VALUES
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This statement has been closed.
at no.ntnu.nav.Database.Database.update(Database.java:1004)
at no.ntnu.nav.Database.Database.insert(Database.java:928)
at QueryBoks.runCamQueue(QueryBoks.java:1659)
at QueryBoks.processMacEntry(QueryBoks.java:977)
at QueryBoks.run(QueryBoks.java:266)
Marco Barbieri - CeSIA - 059-2055218
>From morten.brekkevold at uninett.no Thu Sep 6 11:35:14 2007
From: morten.brekkevold at uninett.no (Morten Brekkevold)
Date: Thu Sep 6 10:35:38 2007
Subject: [Nav-users] Problem with NAV 3.2.2 and Hp 9304M - WRONG DATA
Marco Barbieri wrote, On 31-08-2007 08:40:
> Hi again,
> i'm sorry i've posted the wrong data, in the previous post you can find a
> HP5412zl that NAV detects well.
> Here there's the data about HP9304M (it's marked HP but it's a Foundry
> machine) that has the problem, it's a chassis with 4 slots, 3 of them are
> loaded with 8 gbic sockets boards.
Given the OID compatibility report you sent, NAV should be able to detect the
ports on this routing switch; the ports are detected using standard mibs. Yet
you say that _no_ ports are detected? If that is so, I would like to see
what getDeviceData.log says when it collects from this device.
When it comes to modules, I must admit that NAV's support for HP equipment is
lacking in several respects. The HP support was written and tested using the
equipment that was available at the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology at the time, and these were all HP SwitchStacks. Consequently, NAV
only recognizes virtual stacking in HP equipment, and cannot at all recognize
modules in your HP chassis.
It is in our plans to implement more generic module support through
interpreting the ENTITY-MIB. I'm guessing your HP9304M presents a fairly
correct view of its physical contents through its entPhysicalTable? Since I
have no access to a 9304M myself, but am planning to code the ENTITY-MIB
support, I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with the output
of this table from your device; running this command on your NAV server should
do it:
snmptable -Ci -Cb -v2c -c <community> <ip> entPhysicalTable
Morten Brekkevold
>From morten.brekkevold at uninett.no Thu Sep 6 12:12:49 2007
From: morten.brekkevold at uninett.no (Morten Brekkevold)
Date: Thu Sep 6 11:13:05 2007
Subject: [Nav-users] Centos 5 and NAV 3.2.2
Marco Barbieri wrote, On 03-09-2007 10:22:
> first of all i'm trying to run NAV 3.2.2 on a Centos 5 and i know it's not
> supported,
That depends on what you mean by "supported" :) We do not guaruantee support
to anyone, but you should be able to have NAV up and run on any Linux distro.
The most common obstacle seems to be when some software that NAV depends on
comes out with a new version that breaks some backwards compatibility.
> I get some errors from:
> Cron
navcron@nav $BINDIR/getBoksMacs.sh $NUM_THREADS
> the body of the message is at the end of this msg, there's something i can do
> to fix it or the set of libs that comes with Centos5 is too much different to
> let NAV work as it is?
> Thanks for reading and my best regards, Marco barbieri.
> ---Body---
> org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: This statement has been closed.
> at
> org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.checkClosed(postgresql-jdbc-8.1.407.jar.so)
I think I've seen this before, and it happened when we upgraded our PostgreSQL
JDBC driver to version 8.1. I'm not sure what changed, since the API should
remain the same - only the driver should work better against PostgreSQL 8.1.
I assume that your CentOS installation runs the PostgreSQL 8.1 server as well?
Our temporary workaround was to downgrade the JDBC driver to the 7.4 version.
You could try and see if that works. If CentOS 5 doesn't provide that
version of the driver, you can get it from
Morten Brekkevold
>From mels at mels-kooijman.nl Thu Sep 6 22:01:53 2007
From: mels at mels-kooijman.nl (Mels)
Date: Thu Sep 6 21:02:09 2007
Subject: [Nav-users] Centos 5 and NAV 3.2.2
Hi all,
I started this week with a clean system, installing nav on Suse 10.2
There was a problem with connecting to a remote database, for the time i
use the local database, witch is OK for nav.
I get 3 problems:
1 I installed py-rrdtool-1.0b1, with the installation off
py-rrdtool-0.2.1 I get a error:
building 'rrdtool._rrdtool' extension
gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -O2 -march=i586 -mtune=i686
-fmessage-length=0 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -g -fPIC
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/python2.5 -c src/_rrdtoolmodule.c -o
src/_rrdtoolmodule.c: In function ?PyRRD_graph?:
src/_rrdtoolmodule.c:239: error: too few arguments to function ?rrd_graph?
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
from the cron I get a mail with the next text:
File "/usr/local/nav/bin/thresholdMon.py", line 46, in <module>
from nav.rrd import presenter
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/rrd/presenter.py", line 54, in
import rrdtool
ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initrrdtool)
2 and 3 pping and servicemon failed to start, I tried a nav start pping
servicemon a couple of time, also a start separate.
but they whon't start. I changed DEBUG_LEVEL = 6 in nav.conf, but can't
find any reason in the log files.