On Mon, 30 Nov 2015 12:17:41 +0100 Ingeborg Hellemo ingeborg.hellemo@uit.no wrote:
NAV 4.2.6
Have done some cleaning in NAV's account list. Discovered afterwards that the associated alertprofiles were not deleted and now I have a couple of "ghost"-profiles generating alerts, sending to non-existent mail addresses etc.
How can I clean the database? Which tables are involved?
Is this bug is still present in 4.3.X it should be fixed.
This bug has never been present in NAV, that I know of.
The referential integrity between the `account` and the `alertprofile` tables is enforced by PostgreSQL, via the foreign key constraint `alertprofile_accountid_fkey`. You cannot have accountless profiles, unless you have been fiddling with your database schema outside of NAV.
I assume "cleaning NAV's account list" means deleting users?