My guess is that vlandiscovery is not running, or has a bug that effect
you. Check:
1. is the requested information in the swportvlan table (probably not)
correct, no information
2. does "nav status" tell you that Networkdiscovery is running
Yes, everything is running (hopefully) ~# /etc/init.d/nav status networkDiscovery: Up cricket: Up eventEngine (pid 875) is running... iptrace: Up maintengine: Up (pid 895) is running... (pid 904) is running... thresholdMon: Up mactrace: Up logengine: Up safe_smsd: Up getDeviceData (pid 910) is running... backup: Up (pid 922) is running... Alertengine is running with process id 935. It has been running for 10 hours and 46 minutes.
3. is networkDiscovery-stderr.log updated reasently? does it give you a clue?
The networkDiscovery-stderr.log is emty.
One of the other on the nav-users-list has a cisco 2980 running software 6.3(10) and don't have this problem. My cisco 2980 is running software 6.3(5), so maybe a software upgrade will do the trick?
From Borge.Brunes at Tue Mar 8 15:25:32 2005
From: Borge.Brunes at (Borge Brunes) Date: Tue Mar 8 15:25:37 2005 Subject: [Nav-users] more problems with the logger subsystem Message-ID:
The logengine is "leaking" connections until postgres says "connection limit exceeded for non superusers": postgres[87954]: [2-1] FATAL: connection limit exceeded for non-superusers
I'm not a pythonexpert, but I guess that somewhere in the a connection is opened and not closed.