I am in fact logged in as admin in the screenshots, but as you can see the buttons are not there. I tried again after logging out, same result. What could it be?
I've just looked at the code, and what should happen is that if you are logged in as a valid NAV user the buttons should appear. We have occasionally had some problems with this, however, which could be due to the version of Apache/Tomcat in use as well as the Java VM. I see that you are using Linux; have you tried this on Windows?
Also, I have another little problem which you may want to fix; I went to the user admin to check if 'admin' has all the privileges. Then I clicked on "Submit Changes" without providing a new password. But now the old password does not work!! Leaving the password blank doesn't work either. It's like being locked out. Can you tell me the database command to reset the password?
This seems like an unfortunate oversight. and should be fixed. Morten?
In the mean time you could connect to the navprofiles database and try something like this:
UPDATE account SET password='md5'||md5('password') WHERE login='login'
Also, please CC the nav-users list when you reply (unless you are including sensitive info you don't want archived).