On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 02:25:02PM +0200, Rudolph Bott wrote:
information etc - but as soon as I click on 'Toolbox' I receive an error message.
It thought it might be related to the 'ForgetSQL thing' but according to this list, ForgetSQL is not a requirement any more (starting with 3.6) - or am I wrong on this one?
forgetSQL is no longer used by NAV, correct.
File "/usr/local/nav/lib/python/nav/auth.py", line 58, in hasPrivilege raise "user parameter is of invalid type %s" % type(user)
TypeError: exceptions must be classes or instances, not str
This is Python 2.6 complaining (this was deprecated in 2.5, but removed entirely from 2.6, hence the error). The referenced code, however, is not present in NAV 3.6.0b4, which leads me to think:
1. Some old, deprecated modules might be still be around in your file system. Did you delete all the ones specified in the release notes?
2. Apache/mod_python may in part still be serving old code. Please restart Apache after upgrading.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hope this helps :)