On Thu, 11 May 2017 09:11:44 +0300 "Mr. Router" imrouter@gmail.com wrote:
How can i graph and monitor disk usage (thresholds )for windows and Linux based servers . System Metrics dont show any thing like that .
NAV is primarily written for monitoring networking infrastructure, not servers and services (which is why the tacked-on service monitor really hasn't changed much since NAV 3.0).
What you are asking for isn't supported as of today. There is a registered issue in the tracker that, if fixed, would begin to solve your problem: https://github.com/UNINETT/nav/issues/1213
This would likely involve extending the ipdevpoll `statsystem` plugin (or preferably, rewriting into smaller plugins that would run in the same job), which does the other kinds of system stats collection: https://github.com/UNINETT/nav/blob/master/python/nav/ipdevpoll/plugins/stat...
To be frank, this is not a big priority for us, given the limited scope NAV has, as described above. If you have the resources to contribute something towards this yourself, we can of course provide some guidance :-)