On Wed, 13 Sep 2023 10:45:50 +0200 (CEST) (2 days, 2 hours, 52 minutes ago) "FOUR Ludovic (EXT)" ludovic.four@unistra.fr wrote:
With the last version NAV 5.7, we can now create filters and raise alarms from Juniper chassis led (red or yellow) in the alert profiles. Thank you :)
I'm glad to hear it's useful to you!
I'm trying to create new filters, but I can't check if it works really
Sadly, that is one of the shortcomings of the alert profile system.
Can we list the values of all filters somewhere, for each device ? (Psql request ?)
Filters are evaluated and matched by the Alert Engine against incoming alerts as they happen. There is, unfortunately, no easy way to match filters against existing data, since the filters match alert metadata, and you don't usually have incoming alerts to match against as you are making your profile.
I trying to create an alert profile to send specific alarms at specific time for a specific group of users
In my test profile, I can add a time period and choose start time (with valid format HH:MM or HH), and add subscriptions.
In profile details the time periods valid during is 07:30 - 07:30
I don't know how to set a schedule from my subscriptions, for example from 7:30am (7h30) to 9pm (21h00) in weekdays.
You must add more time periods to your schedule to achieve this. If you have a single time period that begins at 7:30, it ends when the next time period begins at 7:30. If you insert a new time period that begins at 21:00, this will last until the next time period begins at 7:30 again.
Each time period has its own set of subscriptions.
Alert Profiles documentation is one of the things we haven't gotten around to moving from the wiki and into the officially maintained docs. Most of this is completely unchanged since it was written, though: https://nav.uninett.no/wiki/alertprofiles