On Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:38:25 -0800 Ryan Lin ryanlin2002@live.com wrote:
The timezone on the server is set to the following:
net1:~# cat /etc/timezone America/Los_Angeles net1:~#
Below is the server's current time configuration:
net1:~# date Wed Aug 31 11:27:51 PDT 2011 net1:~#
net1:~# hwclock --show Wed 31 Aug 2011 11:28:02 AM PDT -0.345645 seconds net1:~#
As you can see, the host's time is accurate. However, the cricket in the NAV is showing the UTC time, as shown in the following link below:
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help again!
I believe RRDTool internally stores all datapoints using a UTC timestamp, but it will use whatever timezone it is told to arrive at the UTC timestamp during an update (or in reverse for fetch/graph operations).
It could be that Cricket is either giving the wrong time zone information to RRDtool during updates, or Apache is giving the wrong time zone during graphing, I'm not sure which.
This can usually be controlled via the environment variable TZ, so you may want to check what TZ is set to during updates (the cricket cronjob installed by NAV) and graphing (i.e. under the Apache process).