I'm using NAV 5.2 and I would like to add a couple of Serverscheck temperature probes that monitor our network racks Product reference is detailed here : https://serverscheck.com/sensors/baseunit.asp
I'm trying to add the probes by following the adding AKCP probe tutorial. I made this :
1/ Translate the sensorgateway.mib into SERVERSCHECK-MIB.py with smidump command 2/ Copy the python file to folder /opt/venvs/nav/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nav/smidumps
There's a ServersCheck module used in MIB file, that i'm using to interrogate directly the probe I can get the temperature value with snmpwalk -c community -v1|2c <IP of the probe> ServersCheck:sensor1Name.0
If I translate into OID with snmptranslate command, I get this OID .
3/ Create the file serverscheck_mib.py with those lines to /opt/venvs/nav/lib/python3.7/site-packages/nav/mibs
from twisted.internet import defer from nav.mibs import reduce_index from nav.mibs.mibretriever import MibRetriever from nav.smidumps import get_mib
class ServerCheckMib(MibRetriever): mib = get_mib('SERVERSCHECK-MIB') @defer.inlineCallbacks def get_all_sensors(self): result = [ { 'oid': '.', 'unit_of_measurement': 'celsius', 'precision': 1, 'scale': None, 'description': "Ambient temperature", 'name': "Ambient temperature", 'internal_name': "Ambient temperature", 'mib': 'SERVERSCHECK-MIB', } ] defer.returnValue(result)
- Add the following lines to /etc/nav/ipdevpoll.conf (note sure of iana code of serverscheck manufacturer. should be 25432)
At this point i'm stuck (ipdevpoll log empty) and I still can't get sensors readings into NAV and it doesn't recognize the probe type into collected info of the seedDB probe page
Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong ?
Ludovic FOUR SSI DR10 CNRS - Support Infoprox Pharma 74, route du Rhin F-67401 Illkirch-Graffenstaden Tel: 03 68 85 43 11 Contact support: support-pharma@unistra.fr Tel: - Mobile: