We're seeing the same thing at the University of Oslo.
The gui is only displaying the first 100 entries.
best regards Andreas Dobloug USIT/UiO
-----Original Message----- From: nav-users-request@uninett.no [mailto:nav-users-request@uninett.no] On Behalf Of Ingeborg Hellemo Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2018 9:19 AM To: John Magne Bredal Cc: nav-users@uninett.no Subject: Re: Auditlog not logging
john.m.bredal@uninett.no said:
I have tested this on our side and it seems like it's working.
Strange. I checked our database, and the data is indeed there:
nav=> select timestamp,verb from auditlog_logentry; ... 2018-01-15 08:42:23.238702+01 | change status to up | change status to up 2018-01-15 10:58:58.29393+01 | set-vlan | bjo053: lh007-sw.infra:Gi1/0/23 - vlan set to "510" 2018-01-15 10:59:27.38976+01 | set-vlan | bjo053: lh007-sw.infra:Gi1/0/20 - vlan set to "510"
But the webinterface refuses to show me anything newer than 2017-09-27T12:39:16.623
Ingeborg Østrem Hellemo -- ingeborg.hellemo@uit.no Dep. of Information Technology --- Univ. of Tromsø