To be honest, I have no idea what this means, it sounds very
implementation specific (e.g., what is an `mp`? `Member of Parliament`?
`Military Police`?).
>From SLander at Wed Jul 5 10:50:40 2006
From: SLander at (
Date: Wed Jul 5 15:46:27 2006
Subject: [Nav-users] Problem with Browsing rrd files
If I manually enter the url, I get the same result - segfault and
blank screen. If I change the rrdBrowser.conf file to point to a
non-existent location, IE, instead of /tmp/rrd_ as the prefix, I use just
"rrd_", then I get a menu with "year month week day hour" and some choose
action items. But, obviously, no graph.
Results of inport rrdtool:
Python 2.4.1 (#1, Sep 13 2005, 00:39:20)
[GCC 4.0.2 20050901 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import rrdtool
I am using gcc 4.0.2, python 2.4.1, rrdtool 1.2.11and py-rrdtool-0.2.1.
Except for the gcc version which I am not sure about, I think these are all
the recommended versions?
I will rerun the configure and make to see if I perhaps missed an error
some where. This problem has existed in both 3.0.1 and 3.1 for me. I
have not tried earlier version.
Scott wrote:
> The browse rrd still does not work for me, as of the 3.1 release of NAV.
> However, one bit of information that I have noted since is that it does
> create a .gif file in the /tmp directory. I can manually view this
> with something like: file:///tmp/55555555_gif.
That's correct. The directory to place the generated graphs in is
configured in rrdBrowser.conf.
You didn't answer my question, though:
>> If you close all your browser windows, then go to the /browse/rrd
>> url by typing in it in manually (and log in, if you have to), does
>> that also give a blank page?
> Example:
http://NavServer/browse/rrd/datasources?id=82& gives me a
> blank screen and segfault error in apache log. But, it creates file
> /tmp/rrd_683699336.gif, which I can manually view. So - I am
> guessing that some how the association between this
> "datasources?id=82&" and "rrd_683699336.gif" is not being made. Is
> it possible that perhaps it is expecting the files to be located
> somewhere other then /tmp?
No, it will always use the value configured in rrdBrowser.conf, both for
creating and for reading the .gif-file. And a failure to find the file
in the expected place would hardly cause a segfault error - this looks
more like a problem in the C code of the rrdtool Python binding.
Does anything particular happen if you run python on the command line
and enter `import rrdtool` ?
Morten Vold
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