On Fri, 1 Apr 2022 15:57:06 +0200 (CEST) "FOUR Ludovic (EXT)" ludovic.four@unistra.fr wrote:
I just forgot to reply to all, my bad sorry
No prob, it happens to the best of us :)
I still have the same issue with portadmin enabled checkbox :
I have tried to reproduce your original scenario with a Juniper EX3400-24P switch, to no avail.
On the CLI, I ran:
| configure | set interfaces ge-0/0/13 disable | commit
When I subsequently open PortAdmin for this switch, the checkmark has been removed for ge-0/0/13.
If I then run
| configure | delete interfaces ge-0/0/13 disable | commit
.. PortAdmin checkbox is checked again.
if you uncheck enabled box, save, then reload page, the checkbox goes back to checked, and remains in this state. - but it updates the interface - (disabled)
Also not reproducible for me.
Which EX model are you using, and what JunOS version is running on it?
I've made some setup to portadmin.conf, and changed link_edit = false (better not cut the tree branch where you are sitting on) but I don't think it's related to.
That should not be related, no. This mostly makes sure your users aren't able to unintentionally break your switch uplinks.