On Thu, 15 May 2008 12:02:34 -0400 "Scorpion7" scorpion7@iqonline.net wrote:
I think somewhere I may have gotten the impression that crontab was called as "crontab -u navcron" by the navcron user. This may be incorrect on my part. :-|
Yes, your impression is incorrect. The nav program operates as root and uses "crontab -u navcron" to read/manipulate navcron's crontab. su is used by the shell scripts in etc/init.d/ to drop root privileges when running Java programs.
Thanks, although I found the complete truss (with forks) output more helpful this time around :-)
But it still doesn't make me any smarter. I can't really think of a reason why the su command would hang after a call to chdir. I've also never heard of anyone else having this problem when running NAV on FreeBSD :-/ It doesn't seem NAV related at all to me, but still...