We have had our own local patch which authenticates via Radius, but the time has come to move in the direction of LDAP and MS AD.
[ldap] enabled = yes server = dc10.ad.uit.no port = 636 encryption = ssl uid_attr = sAMAccountName basedn = ou=people,dc=uit,dc=no lookupmethod=direct suffix = @ad.uit.no
debug = yes
I get authentication to work with an existing account, but can not create a new account. The debug-log shows a strange ldap url during referral:
It begins ok: ldap_url_parse_ext(ldaps://dc10.ad.uit.no:636) ... connect success
But then: ldap_chase_v3referrals ldap_url_parse_ext(ldaps://uit.no/ou=people,dc=uit,dc=no)
Where does the domain uit.no in the URL come from? Is there a config setting I have overlooked?
This of course ends in Unable to chase referral "ldaps://uit.no/ou=people,dc=uit,dc=no" (-1: Can't contact LDAP server)
(If I use "lookupmethod=search" the webpage throws an error and no account is created. If I use "lookupmethod=direct" the account is created, but without Name, because that was not found in the search - since it was sent to the wrong server)