I have nav3Beta10 (debian) up and running.
But the cricket won't show anything execpt
Name Description giga-router-interfaces Graphs for giga-router-interfaces giga-switch-ports Graphs for giga-switch-ports router-interfaces Graphs for router-interfaces routers Graphs for routers servers Graphs for servers switch-ports Graphs for switch-ports switches Graphs for switches
When I click on any of these links, nothing comes up.
Cricket is running,
# /etc/init.d/nav status networkDiscovery: Up cricket: Up eventEngine (pid 875) is running... iptrace: Up maintengine: Up servicemon.py (pid 887) is running... smsd.pl (pid 903) is running... thresholdMon: Up mactrace: Up logengine: Up safe_smsd: Up getDeviceData (pid 909) is running... backup: Up pping.py (pid 918) is running... Alertengine is running with process id 932. It has been running for 3 hours and 7 minutes.
And I can see that cricket is collecting data.
/var/lib/nav/rrd/volda-berte-spraaklab-sw.hivolda.no.rrd /var/lib/nav/rrd/volda-berte-sw2.hivolda.no.rrd /var/lib/nav/rrd/volda-berte-sw3.hivolda.no.rrd /var/lib/nav/rrd/volda-berte-sw4.hivolda.no.rrd /var/lib/nav/rrd/volda-berte-sw5.hivolda.no.rrd ........................
I follow the instructions for installation in the README.Debian
Any suggestion what could be wrong?
Peder Sefland