On Thu, 2 May 2013 12:42:03 +0000 Inge Bjørnvall Arnesen inge@basefarm.no wrote:
Takk for et glitrende program!
You're very welcome, and thank you for your kind words, though I would like to remind you that English is the official language of this mailing list. I will respond accordingly.
Jeg har testkjørt dette hos oss i et halvårs tid, men sliter med et alvorlig og et mindre alvorlig problem:
1: Cisco ASA. Vi bruker denne serien ganske mye og i de fleste tilfeller fungerer NAV bra. Mot bokser som har 10-30 VLAN ser det ut til å gå som det skal. På bokser med mange VLAN (128+) får vi derimot en feil på SNMP-tasken hvert kvarter:
This may correspond with the 15 minute interval of the ipdevpoll topo job, which collects CDP/LLDP and the forwarding tables of switches.
Er dette et kjent problem? Mulig det er tilfeldig, men jeg fikk samme problem når jeg forsøkte noen SNMP bulk-transfers.
I don't have any direct experience with Cisco ASA devices, but I do know that some devices have problems breathing when SNMP bulk requests are used. On Cisco, there is also the issue that we need to use multiple SNMP sessions due the way Cisco handles VLAN information using multiple VLAN-indexed communities.
ipdevpoll uses a default max-repetitions value of 50 for bulk requests, which is known to cause problems with some devices. You might want to try to reduce this to a much lower number in `ipdevpoll.conf`. We've reduced this to 10 for many of our customers; for one of them we've even had to reduce it further.
We're considering extending the config file to allow changing the snmp parameters for individual devices, so you don't need to run with a low max-repetitions for all your devices, just because of the one or two problem devices.
2: Cisco switcher. Her får vi en feilmelding fra samtlige switcher hvert kvarter. Meldingen er noe obskur:
"2013-05-01T00:04:36.711253+02:00 ZZZ <132>266532: 147851: May 1 00:04:36.638 MEST: %BIT-4-OUTOFRANGE: bit 0 is not in the expected range of 1 to 4094"
I have no idea what this means. A bit has the entire range of 0 to 1, so 4094 is out of the question :)
The numbers themselves make it look like a VLAN related issue, but it still isn't very informative as to what's wrong. I'd ask Cisco.