On Fri, 25 Apr 2008 13:23:53 -0400 "Scorpion7" scorpion7@iqonline.net wrote:
I'll have to look up who is responsible for maintaining the port for nav (for FreeBSD) and see if I can't figure out where things stand - maybe I can lend a hand (or at least some time here). I know on FreeBSD v7.x the port is listed as "broken" (ie: won't compile for some reason).
That would be great :) The FreeBSD port is sponsored by the University of Tromsø (and I think maybe the University of Bergen, both of which are FreeBSD proponents), but I'm not exactly sure who maintains the port (not being a FreeBSD guy myself). It's a shame no-one has contacted us if there is a build problem with the port.
I started looking through some of our cron catches and found the following errors (numerous instances of each):
cricket/collect-subtrees normal: Could not read /usr/local/cricket/subtree-sets file
Does that file exist at all, or is it just that the permissions are wrong?
getBoksMacs.sh: createConnection ClassNotFoundExecption error: org.postgresql.Driver
I would think that the driver is in the jar, which is set for all user profiles and in the "navcron" crontab (includes postgresql.jar): CLASSPATH=/usr/local/nav/lib/java/ConfigParser.jar:/usr/local/nav/lib/java/D atabase.jar:/usr/local/nav/lib/java/Event.jar:/usr/local/nav/lib/java/Logger .jar:/usr/local/nav/lib/java/NetboxInfo.jar:/usr/local/nav/lib/java/SimpleSn mp.jar:/usr/local/nav/lib/java/Util.jar:/usr/local/share/java/classes/postgr esql.jar:/usr/local/share/java/classes/snmp.jar
Hm, which version of NAV is in the FreeBSD port? If your Java VM supports the java.ext.dirs option, you shouldn't need to set such a big classpath. The getBoksMacs.sh script will set the option '-Djava.ext.dir=/usr/local/nav/lib/java' when calling the java executable, which will make sure all the jar files from /usr/local/nav/lib/java/ will be loaded.
Typically, we symlink the postgresql.jar and snmp.jar into the /usr/local/nav/lib/java/ directory to make it all work without classpath fiddling. Then Tomcat will also need an identical JVM option in its startup script. This is configurable on the platforms I work with, not sure about the FreeBSD port.
From what I read on the website, it would appear that configuration of cricket is done by nav???
The Cricket config tree is automatically built by NAV on a nightly (cronjob) basis, yes. The subtree-sets and cricket-conf.pl files are not touched by NAV and may need manual configuration. NAV supplies its own initial subtree-sets file to match the configuration tree it generates.
BTW - pping starts immediately each and every time. Servicemon doesn't.
That's expected. It's an intermittent problem for both daemons.
Starting: cricket iptrace logengine mactrace maintengine networkDiscovery pping thresholdMon Failed: alertengine eventengine getDeviceData servicemon smsd
From the look of the alertengine.cfg all the log levels are enabled. Is there a way I get more detailed information out of these to determine what is happening?
Try executing the alertengine init script directly (as root) and see if any errors crop up in the terminal:
/usr/local/nav/etc/init.d/alertengine start
You didn't mention what you found in getDeviceData-stderr.log and eventEngine-stderr.log?