Report: (found 0 records) New count: 0, Update count: 0 Dup count: 0, Rem count: 0 Unused count: 0, Rename vlan count: 0
The problem is the networkDiscovery module doesn't find any routers to start exploring VLANs from. This is a bit complex to debug, but could you send me the output of:
SELECT DISTINCT module.netboxid,vlanid,vlan.vlan,sysname,gwport.to_netboxid,gwport.to_swportid ,trunk,substr(hexstring,0,3) FROM prefix JOIN vlan USING(vlanid) JOIN gwportprefix ON (prefix.prefixid = gwportprefix.prefixid AND (hsrp='t' OR gwip::text IN (SELECT MIN(gwip::text) FROM gwportprefix GROUP BY prefixid HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT hsrp) = 1))) JOIN gwport USING(gwportid) JOIN module USING(moduleid) JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) LEFT JOIN swport ON (gwport.to_swportid=swportid) LEFT JOIN swportallowedvlan USING (swportid) ORDER BY vlan.vlan;
Thank you for assisting us in debugging this problem.
-- Kristian