Hi NAV:ers!
I just sent the reply to Uninett that Linköping University have come to the conclusion that we cannot sponsor the whole SNMPv3 implementation ourselves. If we could find enough other sponsors we would maybe be able to fund around 1/4 of the cost (~20 hrs).
Now we have a good estimate on how much work will be needed for the SNMPv3 implementation thanks to Morten and his collegues. This makes it easier to see if there are more sponsors.
Please contact me privately if you are willing to support the implementation of SNMPv3.
Regards, Pär Stolpe (par.stolpe@liu.se)
-----Original Message----- From: Morten Brekkevold [mailto:morten.brekkevold@uninett.no] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 8:27 AM To: Matthew Seymour matthew.seymour@york.ac.uk Cc: nav-users@uninett.no; Pär Stolpe par.stolpe@liu.se Subject: Re: SNMPv3 support
On Tue, 25 Oct 2016 18:20:06 +0100 Matthew Seymour matthew.seymour@york.ac.uk wrote:
Hello. A fellow UK university colleague recommended NAV, and having just taken a look I've fallen at the first hurdle of SNMPv3 support. I've noticed some references to this being in worked on, is there a rough timescale for when this might be available in a release or for beta testing?
Hi there Matthew,
The University of Linköping in Sweden have expressed an interest in sponsoring SNMPv3 development for NAV, but have also indicated they would like co-sponsors. I'm copying their contact, just in case.
We have recently made a plan and an estimate of roughly 78 man-hours of work to implement it fully, but we have not started work on it yet, as Linköping are considering the estimate. At the moment, our internal priorities are [1] and [2].
The SNMPv3 issue is registered at [3].
[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nav/+bug/1248086 (alert on loss of redundancy in an aggregated (portchannel) link) [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nav/+bug/1300604 (Monitor BGP connectivity)
[3] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nav/+bug/1248094
-- mvh Morten Brekkevold UNINETT