The DNS lookup works like this:
A forward lookup for AAAA and A records for the "Full sysname" value is performed.
For each of the found IP addresses (if any), a reverse lookup is performed.
The code normally uses the settings of `/etc/resolv.conf` to discover which resolver to query.
Does this happen real time or is there som internal caching involved? I was able to spot DNS lookups for some devices, but not for all I've tried. - This could be an error since it is a busy NAV-server with a lot of DNS traffic.
When I do DNS lookups from the command line to the /etc/resolv.conf-resolvers both A and PTR RR are correct.
The DNS-info is correct for the majority of devices, but for a handful it returns "No addresses found".
Is there some case sensitivity involved? After making sure that both A and PTR RR had the same case plus a reload of apache, I am getting the expected output.
Does your NAV web server log any errors when you click the "DNS" button?
No errors.