On Mon, 2 Oct 2017 15:49:29 +0000 "William Daly - Network Specialist, VUSD Technology" WilliamD@VUSD.SolanoCOE.K12.CA.US wrote:
I am a little lost when it comes to configuring alter notifications. I have my profiles set up. However I do not receive notifications.
What other configuration must be done?
By default, NAV assumes you have a functioning mail transfer agent, like Postfix or Exim, installed on localhost. If you don't, you need to configure an external SMTP server in `nav.conf`.
SMS notifications will require some setup. Usually, we recommend attaching a GSM unit directly to the NAV server, so notifications can be sent even when the IP network is down. The GSM unit needs to be one supported by Gammu [1], which is the default dispatch method used by NAV's SMS daemon. See `smsd.conf`. There are example plugins for various other SMS dispatch methods as well.