Stokkenes Vidar writes:
I don't know if this is a significant error, but I gett his error at the very end of the upgrade of NAV:
E: Could not upgrade database scheme, so disabling NAV in /etc/default/nav. Please do manual upgrade, enable NAV in /etc/default/nav and restart it. Warning: RUN_NAV in /etc/default/nav is not set to 1. Please see /usr/share/doc/nav/README.Debian for details. Warning: RUN_NAV in /etc/default/nav is not set to 1. Please see /usr/share/doc/nav/README.Debian for details. /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/nav/web/ SyntaxWarning: name 'manage' is assigned to before global declaration
Am I the only one receiving this error while upgrading? Running the latest Debian STABLE build.
which version did you upgrade from?
- Werner