Hi Morten,
We are using net-snmp v5.9.4 and the sender is using IPv4
Børge Brunes, Faggruppeleder Tilkobling og nettverk
Avdeling for IT (ITA), UiT Norges arktiske universitet
epost/sip: borge.brunes@uit.no
Tel: +47tel:+47 77644113
________________________________ Fra: Morten Brekkevold morten.brekkevold@sikt.no Sendt: mandag 4. november 2024 11:40 Til: Børge Brunes borge.brunes@uit.no Kopi: Ingeborg Østrem Hellemo ingeborg.hellemo@uit.no; nav-users@lister.sikt.no nav-users@lister.sikt.no Emne: Re: [Nav-users] Re: Error in snmptrapd
On Sun 03 Nov 2024 at 12:39, Børge Brunes borge.brunes@uit.no wrote:
The reason I ask is that snmptrapd's behavior in the case of SNMP v3 is still undefined.
The IP address of the sender is extracted from the transport data in the PDU data structure as presented by the Net-SNMP library whenever a trap comes in.
So other pertinent questions would be: Which version of Net-SNMP are you using? Is the sender using IPv4 or IPv6?
-- Sincerely, Morten Brekkevold
Sikt – Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research