We are also experiencing problems with device-updates after the upgrade, ipdevpolld says deferred in the log and nothing seems to be displayed.
"DataTables warning: table id=portlist - Ajax error. For more information about this error, please see http://datatables.net/tn/7"
------------ tail /var/log/nav/ipdevpoll.log Unhandled error in Deferred: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2019-02-01 14:48:59,633 [DEBUG dataloader.netboxloader] [snmpcheck] These netboxes have active snmpAgentStates: set([356]) Unhandled error in Deferred: Unhandled error in Deferred: 2019-02-01 14:53:59,673 [DEBUG schedule.joblist] no active jobs (0 JobHandlers) ------------
-----Ursprungligt meddelande----- Från: nav-users-request@uninett.no nav-users-request@uninett.no För René Romijn Skickat: den 1 februari 2019 07:42 Till: Morten Brekkevold morten.brekkevold@uninett.no; nav-users@uninett.no Ämne: RE: Announcement: NAV 4.9.0 released - now under GPLv3 license
Is there an easy way to revert to the previous version? I upgraded to 4.9. but it seems to broke old layout of the swith port status and the counters aren't updating anymore.
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: nav-users-request@uninett.no nav-users-request@uninett.no Namens Morten Brekkevold Verzonden: donderdag 31 januari 2019 14:13 Aan: nav-users@uninett.no Onderwerp: Announcement: NAV 4.9.0 released - now under GPLv3 license
The initial feature release of the 4.9 series of NAV is now out!
The source code is available for download at GitHub [1].
New packages for Debian 8/9 (Jessie/Stretch) are available in our APT repository [2] as usual.
The Debian packages have been rebuilt using dh-virtualenv, which means that most of the Python dependencies are now embedded into the packages themselves. If you have previously added a priority apt pin for packages from apt.uninett.no, you may now remove it, as there are no longer any other packages needed from that repository to run NAV.
Please also be extra aware of config file changes. Look out for `*.dpkg-dist` files in /etc/nav and make sure to update your running config.
The virtual appliance will not be updated until next week.
Changes =======
############################################################# ## NOTICE OF LICENSE CHANGE ## ############################################################# ## ## ## NAV's copyright license has changed from GPL v2 to GPL ## ## v3. Please refer to the release notes [4] for details. ## ## ## #############################################################
User-visible features and improvements:
* #1423 (Add API endpoint for accounts and account groups) * #1509 (Add active alerts tab for port details page) * #1646 (Add event/alert details page) * #1615 (Room view - want device/interface count) * #1624 (Add support for Dell DNOS-SWITCHING-MIB) * #1659 (Add an interface browser tool) * #1662 (Business reports, device availability - filter for maintenance) * #1667 (More interface information for linkState alerts in status tool/widget) * #1705 (Enable use of api endpoint without specifying version) * #1706 (Audit log when users operates as other user) * #1739 (PortAdmin - users should not be able to set trunk on port) * #1758 (Writable vlan and prefix endpoints) * #1761 (API netbox endpoint: filter on type__name) * #1791 (Implement IT-WATCHDOGS-V4-MIB and GEIST-V4-MIB) * #1807 (Implement support for Powertek PDU inlet status) * #1817 (Add hook to customize tabs in ipdevinfo and info/room)
Fixed GitHub issues in this release:
* #1683 (Avoid "magic" Django bootstrapping in nav.models) * #1703 (Upgrade Django Rest Framework) * #1709 (Rename verb for changing interface admin status) * #1728 (Upgrade python-ldap) * #1744 (Replace automake toolchain with setuptools) * #1752 (No warnings for Django 1.8) * #1786 (Make middlewares work correctly on Django 1.10+) * #1796 (A crashing search provider will crash the entire search ui) * #1798 (Environment sensor rack API crashes on missing sensors) * #1799 (Portadmin errors out if making changes after using browser back button) * #1800 (Alert profile listing "Remove selected" button needn't be visible when there are no profiles to select.) * #1801 (Network Explorer MAC search always crashes) * #1802 (Saving a threshold rule without a target crashes with a KeyError) * #1803 (ipdevpoll should be able to perform reverse DNS lookups using /etc/hosts file) * #1804 (Unrecognized neighbors report crashes with 'bogus escape (end of line)') * #1814 (Change the NAV license from GPLv2 to GPLv3) * #1819 (/prefix/usage API endpoint crashes instead of returning 404 on non-existent prefixes)
Happy NAVing everyone!
Links =====
[1] https://github.com/UNINETT/nav/releases [2] https://nav.uninett.no/install-instructions/#debian [3] https://github.com/UNINETT/nav/issues [4] https://nav.uninett.no/doc/latest/release-notes.html#nav-4-9
-- Morten Brekkevold UNINETT AS