NAV 3.7.3 is now available for download at Launchpad:
This bugfix release includes fixes for the following issues:
* LP#537220 (logengine ignores seconds from timestamps) * LP#562242 (Prefix matrix crashes when viewing IPv6 scope) * LP#689629 (ipdevinfo crashes on IP addresses on VLANs that have no VLAN ID) * LP#691571 (old serial no association should be cleared when ip device is replaced with new hardware) * LP#692580 (delete location crashes) * LP#692997 (Machine tracker crashes due to limitations in allowed interface names) * LP#701451 (snmptrapd fails to decode certain SNMPv1 traps) * LP#701453 (snmptrapd fails to parse SNMPv2 traps from WeatherGoose) * LP#702257 (alertengine crashes after alert profile is deleted)
Please report bugs at :-)
A binary package for Debian 5 (Lenny) will be made available as soon as possible. The Debian package is maintained by Morten Werner Forsbring, on commission From UNINETT.
Happy NAVing everyone!