NAV 3.13.0
Eventengine logs a lot of topology problems of two kinds.
One regarding the NAV-server itself:
2013-02-18 11:23:37,173 [WARNING nav.eventengine.topology] NAVServer('') topology problem: router ma-gsw3.infra is up, but not in VLAN graph for <Prefix: (vlan 103 (nett,srv,5-nettet))>. Defaulting to 'reachable' status.
The other kind regarding some (but not all) random devices:
2013-02-18 11:23:37,740 [WARNING nav.eventengine.topology] nfh-b100-nc.prn topology problem: router nfh-gsw.infra is up, but not in VLAN graph for <Prefix: (vlan 600 (uit,prn))>. Defaulting to 'reachable' status.
Is there anything we can do to in our setup to eliminate the warnings (except changing the debug level...)?