On Wed, 18 Dec 2013 14:47:28 +0000 Orzakiewicz Cedric cedric.orzakiewicz@barilla.com wrote:
(I am joking, you really do a great job with NAV guys, congratulations).
Thanks, we try to do our best :)
What would be great is the possibility to build your own report. But that seems to be complicated, so I just suggest to have the possibility to view the devices by Location or by Type of device, like a view tree, that would be helpful too.
You can build custom reports based on SQL, by editing `/etc/nav/report/report.local.conf`. But, as you say, it's rather complicated unless you know SQL well and can understand NAV's data model.
Otherwise, you can post feature requests in the regular bug tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nav/+filebug