On Fri, 5 Sep 2008 10:04:49 +0200 Stokkenes Vidar Vidar.Stokkenes@hn-ikt.no wrote:
One of many NAV features we've found handy, is the Module State warning feature. What I really don't understand, is why NAV haven't built in a PSU State warning system. There are numerous of MIBs under the CISCO-ENVMON-MIB http://tools.cisco.com/Support/SNMP/do/BrowseMIB.do?local=en&step=2&mibName=CISCO-ENVMON-MIB tree for this task. A Cisco specific MIB for the general PSU status would be "", and would give you the following result on:
Hi Vidar,
For the sake of clarity, the CISCO-ENVMON-MIB is _one_ MIB. "" is an object identifier (OID) defined in that MIB, and holds one entry in the ciscoEnvMonSupplyStatusTable.
While your suggestion is a good one, you're not the first to suggest PSU monitoring. NTNU have actually implemented their own quick-and-dirty way of doing this. By quick-and-dirty, I mean it bypasses NAV's event- and alert system.
It only uses NAV to find the list of devices to poll, but it's a proof-of-concept which we are considering for proper implementation in NAV when the new polling engine is finished.