Thanks for the fast response.
Yeah, I wish that was the case, but it's not in our case.
The timezone on the server is set to the following:
net1:~# cat /etc/timezone America/Los_Angeles net1:~#
Below is the server's current time configuration:
net1:~# date Wed Aug 31 11:27:51 PDT 2011 net1:~#
net1:~# hwclock --show Wed 31 Aug 2011 11:28:02 AM PDT -0.345645 seconds net1:~#
As you can see, the host's time is accurate. However, the cricket in the NAV is showing the UTC time, as shown in the following link below:
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help again!
Ryan Lin
Subject: Re: network time is incorrect on cricket From: joachim@tingvold.com Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 11:11:02 +0200 CC: nav-users@uninett.no To: ryanlin2002@live.com
On Aug 29, 2011, at 21:07 GMT+02:00, Ryan Lin wrote:
the time on the cricket is showing the UTC time. i would like to change it to the PDT time, but don't know how as there is no documentation available on how to change the time in nav.
Cricket on our setup uses the time and timezone set on the system (I guess this is default behavior). If I change the time and/or timezone on the system, cricket reflects these changes.
Or did you want to have a different time/timezone in cricket, than what's on the system or in NAV?
-- Joachim