On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 12:26:43 +0000 "Martin.Jaburek@cah.cz" Martin.Jaburek@cah.cz wrote:
I checked it and it was indeed set to 50. I changed it to inf and I restarted nav and carbon.
Now I can see many new databases being created. Thank you very much for such swift response.
No problem, I'm glad you've sorted it out :)
It's a shame, that carbon ignores exceeding creation requests silently (I even checked the creates.log for new databases)
The feature is quite deliberate. AFAIK, Carbon/graphite was built for storing massive amounts of metrics from a cloud provider, where each individual metric wasn't necessarily very significant (i.e. cloud servers come and go all the time; the individual server doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, the provided service level does).
The feature is there to not completely overload the I/O system of the Carbon server in such a setting. In the smaller context of a single NAV installation, individual metrics matter more, and the default setting of 50 becomes too small, given that the majority of metrics are only delivered once every five minutes, not every 10 seconds.